Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cannabis And The Cancer Industry

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Citizens of the World,
There is a disease of which you are all aware, that has plagued humankind throughout the ages.  It is a terrible affliction, called Cancer. As far back as we have been able to look into the past, we have found evidence of its existence.  In recent history, this disease has become more prevalent and more notorious a killer. You may have heard someone say, “These days, everything causes Cancer”.
In 2008, 7.6 Million deaths across the globe were directly due to the disease, and that number has been and is expected to continue to rise every year. This is a huge burden upon our healthcare systems that also weighs heavily on our hearts. The loss of any human life is a shame, but 1 out of every 8 deaths coming from a single cause is nothing less than a tragedy.  For decades people have donated what they’ve been able to, to the effort of finding a cure. As the death toll increases though, it’s apparent that these undertakings have done little to stop this trend.
2012 expected new cases of cancer in the U.S.
2012 expected new cases of cancer in the U.S.
Aside from Cancer accompanying us throughout our existence on Earth, there has been another companion of ours, which has acted as a counter agent: the Cannabis plant. Although, due to its modern legal prohibition, marijuana’s anti-cancer properties have been made hard to research. The results are nonetheless miraculous! Consider the case of young Cashie Hyde, whom without the plant’s oil would’ve died.

What these facts bring into question is the legitimacy of our purported search for a cure, when there already exists one that naturally occurs.  Rather than trying to cure a person after they’ve become diseased, we could take a preventative approach to Cancer. People could grow Cannabis plants in their own homes, and keep themselves from becoming Cancer patients! Can you imagine all of the pain, suffering and lives that could be saved?
There are forces though that would keep us from achieving this reality. I am speaking of the profiteers of our illness, the perpetuators of our poor health and the designers of our deaths. Follow the money trail. They are Big Business. They are the Cancer Industry, an enemy of We The People, and one of the reasons Cannabis is still illegal.

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