Friday, June 1, 2012

How to Make a Homemade Waterfall Bong

A waterfall bong is extremely easy to make, requiring only a bowl or bong stem and a plastic bottle to make. Don’t get the waterfall bong confused with it’s cousin, the gravity bong, which is not the same thing. A gravity bong is kind of the same science, just in reverse, and with a different design. You will see what I mean.

What You Need:
1. Metal pipe bowl or bong stem
2. Plastic bottle
3. Lighter
4. Your preferred marijuana strain
5. Drill or knife
I have heard of the waterfall also referred to as an aqua lung, a third lung, or in my circle of friends, simply ‘the liter.’ Whenever my friends or family want to ‘take a liter’ we always flash each other the ASL sign for the letter ‘L’. Very discrete, and has served us well in ninja situations!
Waterfalls get you extremely high from very little marijuana because of the amount of smoke inhaled all at once. How does this happen? Waterfalls are so effective with very little marijuana due to the shear amount of concentrated smoke filled with THC being forced into the lungs all at once. Also, because the bottle is air-tight the only air entering the bottle is smoke filled with THC.
To make a waterfall bong, start by making a a hole in the bottom or side of any plastic bottle. The 2-liter plastic bottle is the best, but a smaller plastic bottle will do, you will just get smaller hits. If you can find the elusive 3-liter bottle, especially the one with the wider mouth, you can make a ‘super waterfall’. *Note – a wide mouth cap is not compatible with other bottle sizes.* Make the hole about the size of a nickel, and as round as possible. This hole will be used to let the water out of the bottle and fill up the bottle with smoke from the marijuana being burned at the top.
I have made hundreds, if not over 1,000 waterfalls in my lifetime, and people always marvel at how well they function.  There isn’t really a secret – the bottom hole is as perfectly round as possible and as directly in the middle of the bottom of the bottle as possible.  This creates a streamlined flow as the water level drops, which doesn’t occur if the hole is on the side of the bottle or the hole is all jacked up.
Some people will just jab the side of the bottle with a knife, or poke the bottom with a burning hot screwdriver or some other ‘Macgyver abomination’ tactic. If you can use a drill, you will punch a hole very easily.  I have mastered carving out the bottom hole with a knife, which is good too, but takes time. It’s worth it though.  Make sure to keep the cap on the bottle to make handling the bottle easier when you are punching the hole.  If the cap isn’t on the bottle, the bottle will collapse when you are trying to punch the hole, which can be a hazard situation as the knife or drill in your hand is going who knows which direction (likely towards your other hand!).
the full bowlNow is the hardest part of the waterfall creation process – punching a hole in the bottle cap. I have been far from home many times, making a waterfall, with only one chance to punch a hole that was big enough to push the bottom of the metal pipe bowl through, yet small enough to remain air tight. I have tried to seal the bottle cap and bowl after the fact with just about every product out there, but when the bowl inevitably gets hot, the seal breaks again. If you can make the cap the correct way the right time, it is very beneficial.
My secret is making two very small cross slits using a knife. The slits need to be the diameter of the bottom of the bowl you are trying to punch through, that way it’s enough to push the bowl through it, but not enough to create air problems. You will recycle the bottles after a lot of use (in my case, almost weekly!), but the cap will stay with you forever. I refer to my cap bowl as ‘my precious’ which Ninjasmoker will attest to. It’s great for travel too, because you can get mega high when you get to your hotel, all you need is a new bottle with a hole in the bottom! The bowl cap is easy to hide.
Now that the waterfall is made, how the heck do we use this thing right? I can confidently say that I have taken more waterfalls than anyone else on the planet. Ninjasmoker will attest to that, and if anyone wants to challenge me to a title match, I’d gladly put my skills on display for those that are loading the finest :) The first thing you will do is obviously load the bowl. Don’t pack it too tight. I always tell people it’s better to take two medium waterfalls than one waterfall that’s clearly too big. Leaving smoke in the bottle is poor form. You will learn that some marijuana burns better in the waterfall format than others. Super dry burns too fast.  Moist and/or dense nugs barely burn at all. I get a Jack the Ripper strain and Trainwreck strain here in Oregon that are PERFECT for the waterfall.
waterfall bongThe next thing you will do is hold the bottle in one hand, with a finger plugging the bottom hole. With the other hand, turn on the water to fill up the bottle. If you are trying to conserve water, or if you are camping or something, you can dunk the waterfall bottle into the water as well.  Whatever gets that sucker full. Be careful if you are doing the dunk method though, as you will go to light the lighter and get it wet, and be in a very frustrating position.
Screw the loaded bowl cap to the liter bottle full of water. With your off hand, light the bowl, while at the same time removing your finger that was plugging the bottom hole. If you do it right (not exactly hard!) you will see the bottle filling up with the milkiest smoke you have ever seen. This is why I prefer the waterfall to the gravity bong. With a gravity bong, it takes wrist control and skill to get a milky hit, and then you have to take a hit that runs the high risk of getting dirty water in your mouth. A waterfall is clean water every time, unless you are using the dunk method. Also, anyone who can hold the bottle can get a milky hit every time (sometimes too milky!). You still get water in your mouth from time to time, but it’s not nearly as bad as with the gravity bong.
All that is left is to unscrew the cap, grip it, and rip it! Waterfalls really conserve the herb, which is a good thing in this economy right? How much did your last ‘quad’ cost? Egads. Below are some waterfall tips and tricks that I have learned over the years. If readers have anything to add, please do so in the comments below so that others can benefit from your expertise:
1. Become familiar with water levels – You want to get a big hit, but not too big of a hit to where the water is gone or almost gone, and the smoke is all stale. If you like stale smoke, then by all means go for it, but I don’t. If you are taking a small waterfall hit, let the water go a bit so you have less water in the bottle to decrease the chances of water getting in your mouth.
2. No warm water – I repeat, no warm water. As cold as possible. Warm waterfalls are the worst.
3. If possible, no shake – Shake is fine in a joint, not bad in a pipe, kind of harsh in a bong, and REALLY harsh in a waterfall. ‘Piecing’ together small nugs to make a liter can be problematic as well, unless it’s really high grade.
4. Melting bowl cap – If your bowl gets too hot, toss that sucker in the freezer. Smoking melted plastic is no bueno.
5. Be careful with newbies – A waterfall invades your lungs with smoke so ferociously sometimes, that it can put the hurt on rookies. Proceed with caution. On the flip side, if someone is talking a big game about how they are ‘big smoke dogg’ then give them a waterfall and see what they do. I’ve seen many rookies get exposed when I’m on my third waterfall of the session and they are still recovering from their first one. 

How To Make A Bread Bowl Pipe

The McGyver of Pot and Friend of the blog, Masterbong, has posted a new video showing us all how to make a bread bowl pipe. Be sure to check out his other videos!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Presidential OG Marijuana Strain Pictures

Presidential OG Marijuana Strain

This is a strain fit for the ‘Choom Gang’!
presidential og marijuana strain
presidential og marijuana strain
presidential og marijuana strain
presidential og marijuana strain

What To Do If Police Say They Smell Marijuana?

smell of marijuana
One of the most common questions we get at Flex Your Rights is how to handle a situation in which police claim to smell marijuana. This can happen whether or not you actually have marijuana and police actually smell it, so it’s a situation everyone should be prepared for.
My latest YouTube video takes a look at this tricky question.
Article From – Creative Commons Licensing

Cannabis And The Cancer Industry

Support Medical Marijuana In Your Area

Citizens of the World,
There is a disease of which you are all aware, that has plagued humankind throughout the ages.  It is a terrible affliction, called Cancer. As far back as we have been able to look into the past, we have found evidence of its existence.  In recent history, this disease has become more prevalent and more notorious a killer. You may have heard someone say, “These days, everything causes Cancer”.
In 2008, 7.6 Million deaths across the globe were directly due to the disease, and that number has been and is expected to continue to rise every year. This is a huge burden upon our healthcare systems that also weighs heavily on our hearts. The loss of any human life is a shame, but 1 out of every 8 deaths coming from a single cause is nothing less than a tragedy.  For decades people have donated what they’ve been able to, to the effort of finding a cure. As the death toll increases though, it’s apparent that these undertakings have done little to stop this trend.
2012 expected new cases of cancer in the U.S.
2012 expected new cases of cancer in the U.S.
Aside from Cancer accompanying us throughout our existence on Earth, there has been another companion of ours, which has acted as a counter agent: the Cannabis plant. Although, due to its modern legal prohibition, marijuana’s anti-cancer properties have been made hard to research. The results are nonetheless miraculous! Consider the case of young Cashie Hyde, whom without the plant’s oil would’ve died.

What these facts bring into question is the legitimacy of our purported search for a cure, when there already exists one that naturally occurs.  Rather than trying to cure a person after they’ve become diseased, we could take a preventative approach to Cancer. People could grow Cannabis plants in their own homes, and keep themselves from becoming Cancer patients! Can you imagine all of the pain, suffering and lives that could be saved?
There are forces though that would keep us from achieving this reality. I am speaking of the profiteers of our illness, the perpetuators of our poor health and the designers of our deaths. Follow the money trail. They are Big Business. They are the Cancer Industry, an enemy of We The People, and one of the reasons Cannabis is still illegal.

Legalize Industrial Hemp To Help Save Our Planet

hemp for victoryLegalize Industrial Hemp To Help Save Our Planet

Hemp—an environmentally friendly, sustainable crop with aplethora of uses—is legal to grow in several countries, including Canada and China. However, for some reason the United States is missing out on the agricultural rewards and has to rely on imports for our hemp products—raising costs and denying our farmers a great economic opportunity.  It is estimated that the retail market for hemp exceeds $300 million in the U.S. and the Congressional Research Service concluded that, “markets for a wide array of industrial and consumer products, commercial hemp industry in the United States could provide opportunities as an economically viable alternative crop for some U.S. growers.”
Unfortunately, as the Congressional Research Service notes, the main obstacle to American farmers’ ability to grow  hemp comes from our nation’s drug policy.  For some reason, the Drug Enforcement Agency argues with a straight face that industrial hemp farmers would jeopardize their freedom and property to hide cannabis plots within their hemp fields (and don’t forget that cannabis growers would want to keep hemp from pollinating their cannabis, causing it to lose potency).
Indian actor Abhay Deol makes the case for hemp production in the New York Daily News, noting that vested special interests have a financial stake in working to prevent the end of hemp prohibition:
The downfall of the plant started early last century in the US. Ironically, it was illegal NOT to grow hemp in a few states in the early part of US history. Even George Washington grew it. Its uses were many – as fiber for ropes and sails, to make paper, its seeds are high in proteins, it makes for a stronger, longer lasting material to make clothes with, than cotton. It was possibly the first agricultural crop. It can be grown in most climates, is drought resistant, requires little fertiliser, pesticides and herbicides. Its seeds can be used to make hemp oil.
A little known fact is that it can also be used to produce fuel! Henry Ford’s first Model-T (the people’s car) was even constructed from hemp! He said it was “grown from the soil” and its impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel! Hemp fuel is also biodegradable, does not contribute sulphur dioxide to the atmosphere and is non-toxic. Farmers around the world would greatly benefit from growing it. But alas, we live in a market driven economy and I personally have come to believe that the market is driven by scarcity.
If upon further research it is proved that hemp can provide us with so many alternatives, it would drive many companies out of business. Think about it, it can replace trees for paper, that would not be good for companies who make profit from cutting down trees. Being a weed, it grows really fast and outcompetes other weeds. Hemp strains produce their own resins that make the crop naturally pest free. Not good for companies that make pesticides! It can be used as a fuel! This is one of the major threats! Oil companies are some of the biggest giants in the corporate world. Both Henry Ford and Rudolf Diesel designed cars that ran on vegetable oils and hemp oil. This was a century ago!
Prohibition of hemp is certainly one of the more nonsensical policies enacted by our federal government.  The decision to deny farmers the ability to cultivate a crop that can produce up to four times as much paper per acre than an acre of timber, saving our nation’s forests, while also creating jobs and generating revenue is simply a travesty that must end.  It is time to end hemp prohibition so that we can better utilize hemp for fiber, fuel and food.  As our federal government once proclaimed, “Hemp for Victory!
Article from National Cannabis Coalition and republished with special permission

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pro Grower Reveals Hi-Yield Marijuana Technique That Uses No Equipment

drying marijuanaWhat Is Marijuana ‘Super Cropping’?

May 29, 2012, San Francisco, Ca -, a website about growing marijuana indoors, publishes article which reveals a simple hi-yield marijuana growing tactic called “Super Cropping.”.
First released in their private newsletter with the name “Super Cropping, High-Stress Training, and Marijuana Yields,” the paper was then published publicly on the website with the title, “Super Cropping Marijuana: Simple Secret to Bigger Yields.”
The paper includes instructions and picture tutorials showing how to apply the technique to marijuana plants with no equipment required except human fingers and optionally duct tape.
According to the article, this technique increases yields and may even increase the potency of the buds produced.
The author of the article, Nebula Haze, stated, “Supercropping, as simple as it seems, can dramatically increase your marijuana yields for practically zero dollars out of your pocket because it works with a special stress response that happens in marijuana plants. And, when applied correctly, you can also trick your plants into growing in a more favorable way for space-limited indoor growing. I decided I needed to publish a paper on this topic for the growing community because it’s so simple to learn but a lot of growers just don’t know about super cropping.”
Since April 20, 2012, has published a new paper about a marijuana growing topic each week through their private “Grow Weed Newsletter,” which is aimed at teaching growers tips, tricks, and tactics regarding how to grow medical marijuana at home.
In response to why she first got started with publishing these revealing exposes on growing techniques, Nebula said, “I personally have been able to completely overcome crippling anxiety through the use of growing and using special high-CBD (anxiety-reducing) marijuana with my doctor’s recommendation. I want to reach out to other medical marijuana patients in as many ways as possible, since I know there are so many hurting people out there who can legally grow marijuana, but they just don’t know how to start. These patients end up wasting thousands of dollars getting the medicine they need! After the incredible positive effects medical marijuana has had in my own life, I’m dedicated to doing my part to help people cultivate their own cannabis and thus gain cheaper, safer, and easier access to medicine.” has recently attracted thousands of new readers to their website and newsletter by offering a free Marijuana Plant Doctor service to growers. This services allows real-life pot farmers to submit pictures and information about a sick marijuana plant and get their plant diagnosed by professional growers in California..
Nebula Haze, one of the regular writers for the newsletter, has also been actively building a community with other growers via social media.
For example, Nebula’s twitter account (@growweedeasy)  has gained over a thousand followers in just the last month by sharing growing tactics and marijuana-friendly insights.
“The only bouquet I ever want to receive, for any occasion, is dried marijuana flowers” said Nebula Haze on her twitter account, a sentence that was re-tweeted by several other marijuana enthusiasts.
Source: Web Wire

Taiwanese Animators Make Barack Obama “Choom Gang” Video

Barack Obama “Choom Gang” Video

The animation geniuses at put together a Taiwanese-style reenactment of the President’s marijuana smoking days. Watch the video below to see an interpretation of the infamous ‘Choom Gang’:

Ghost OG Marijuana Strain

I wonder how this marijuana strain got it’s name. Maybe it’s called ghost because it gets smoked so fast? I usually try to pick a favorite set of pictures, but that’s just too hard to do with the ones below!

ghost og marijuana strain
ghost og marijuana strain
ghost og marijuana strain
ghost og marijuana strain
ghost og marijuana strain
ghost og marijuana strain

Purple Nightmare Marijuana Strain

I’m not sure how this strain got it’s name, because when I have nightmares I don’t have beautiful purple nugs in them! My nightmares are usually filled with feds and a lack of purple bud 

purple nightmare marijuana strain
purple nightmare marijuana strain
purple nightmare marijuana strain
purple nightmare marijuana strain

Skywalker OG Marijuana Strain

An indica-dominant hybrid from Nature’s Natural Collective Care in Reseda, Skywalker OG has quickly developed an outstanding reputation for potency and aesthetic beauty. We’re happy to report the rumors are entirely true: It’s a force to be reckoned with. The dankest of dank weeds, you’ll want to store this baby in a tightly sealed container unless you want everyone to know you’ve got quality cannabis on hand. That highly pungent perfume is present in ever toke, conjuring images of heady spices and the most fragrant of exotic herbs.

The pear-shaped buds are almost too lovely to break apart: Imagine deep-forest-green leaves cradling nests of rich-amber hairs and blanketed with white crystals. Skywalker OG is one of the most powerful strains on the market, testing in the mid- to high 20s in its THC count. The stone is annihilating in intensity, so powerful as to produce feelings of numbness about the face and neck and lasting for four to five hours after consuming just one bowl. Obviously, you won’t want to drive or operate heavy machinery while on it, but if you’re planning an evening in front of the tube watching your favorite intergalactic saga while consuming vast quantities of snack foods, this is the herb for you. It’s also a great pain reliever for such conditions as cancer, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease and other serious conditions.
Strain review courtesy of Culture. The photos below are from WeedPhotos.Com:
skywalker og marijuana strain
skywalker og marijuana strain

Monday, May 28, 2012

Steve DUI Lawn Mower Guy gets caught with some Kush and it turns into a police helicopter chase!!!

My guy Steve  gets caught with some Kush and it turns into a  Police Helicopter Chase!!! Must watch high!!

This Guy Is Crazy!!! Meet Steve

This guy Steve is the craziest guy I know. Roll up some of that kush you got and checkout this video.

Chop Suey (or Chow Mein)

Makes four servings.

3 tablespoons of Cannabis Infused Vegetable Oil**
1/2 cup chopped celery (leaves included)
1/2 cup scallions
2 cups cooked chicken or pork cut into 1/4-inch-wide, 2-inch strips
1 green bell pepper, coarsely chopped
1 cup mushrooms, coarsely chopped
1 cup bean sprouts, rinsed
1 cup canned beef consommé
Salt and pepper
1 tablespoon soy sauce
3 tablespoons dry sherry

In a deep, heavy skillet heat the Canna Butter. Add and stir-fry the celery and scallions over medium-heat for 3 minutes. Add the chicken (or pork), bell pepper, mushrooms and bean sprouts and stir fry for three minutes. Add the consommé. Season with salt, pepper, soy sauce and sherry (this sauce can be thickened with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch mixed well with 3 tablespoons of warm water). Stir and boil for 1 minute. Serve immediate over rice (Chop Suey) or noodles (Chow Mein).

Happy Memorial Day From Man VS Kush Co.

In Memory Of The Men And Women In Uniform Who Served Our Country

We talk about a lot of things at Man VS Kush Co. But nothing is more serious than honoring the  men and women that have served this country proudly, especially those that died fighting for all of our freedoms. If it were not for these brave souls, there would be no freedom of speech or freedom of assembly in America. The fact that I can write from the safety of my own home, about an issue that is illegal in most parts of the country, is due entirely to the sacrifices made by these men and women.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Cannabis Science Presents Photographic Evidence Showing Cannabis Shrinking Cancer Tumors

Cannabis Science, Inc. a pioneering U.S. biotech company developing pharmaceutical cannabis (marijuana) products, is pleased to share new photographs from this cancer patient with severe squamous cell carcinoma. These pictures clearly show that this patient, with previously treatment-resistant tumors, continues to make obvious improvement. The tumors appear to be dying and then healing after treatment with cannabis-based extracts.
Cannabis Science has been working closely with this patient who has multiple squamous cell carcinoma tumors on his head. The latest pictures indicate that this patient is making dramatic improvement using cannabis-extract topical therapy under scientific guidance from Cannabis Science.
In this pictorial sequence, you can see the tumors healing, and scabbing over. The holes, like a “bowling ball finger hole”, are now filled and scabbing over as healing appears to continue. In another set of images, tumor mass continues to degrade. The patient has also informed Cannabis Science that while using cannabis extracts he has had a sufficient reduction in pain as healing progresses.
Position A: The arrow in Figure 1 points to what was the “bowling ball finger hole” that went down to the skull and was obvious prior to any type treatment. Figure A2 shows that in just the few days since our last update, the scabbed over hole has filled in and is almost totally healed. This lesion is now totally pain free.
Position B: The arrow in Figure B1, B2, and B3 point to an orientation position. These three sequential photographs show the tumor receding from this point as tumor mass continues to degrade. A doctor who felt this tumor commented that it appears to be detached and ready to fall off. Friends and family are amazed at the rapid progress.
Position C: This tumor, after becoming open and bloody in photo 2, is now scabbed over and pain free in photo 3.
Cannabis Science works closely with numerous patients who are suffering from a variety of illnesses and self-treating their illnesses with cannabis extracts. With its global impact on so many people and often-poor treatment outcomes for patients, we have focused on cannabis extract-based treatment options for cancer. Cannabis Science has provided the scientific foundation for numerous patients suffering from cancer to make the informed decision to treat themselves with cannabis extracts.
You can view these graphic photos on the Cannabis Science and click the button “View Images of 3rd Self-Medicated Patient & His Apparent Success”. (ed. also embedded below)
You can read more news on this 3rd patient as well on the Cannabis Science website and click on the breaking news button where you will find all the cancer related and updated patient news.
About Cannabis Science, Inc.
Cannabis Science, Inc. is at the forefront of pharmaceutical grade medical marijuana research and development. The second formulations will address the needs of patients choosing to use concentrated cannabis extracts to treat their ailments. Eventually, all Americans will have access to a safe and effective FDA approved medicine regardless of which state they live in. To maintain that marijuana is a dangerous, addictive drug with no medical value is scientifically absurd. Cannabis medicines, with no effective lethal dose, are far safer than aspirin, acetaminophen, and most other OTC drugs that kill thousands of Americans every year.
The Company works with world authorities on phytocannabinoid science targeting critical illnesses, and adheres to scientific methodologies to develop, produce and commercialize phytocannabinoid-based pharmaceutical products. In sum, we are dedicated to the creation of cannabis-based medicines, both with and without psychoactive properties, to treat disease and the symptoms of disease, as well as for general health maintenance.
Press release via

A Kush Bud A Day Keeps The Stroke Away

Former Heart Surgeon Recommends Marijuana Over Aspirin After Stroke

Former Heart Surgeon: While some people are on a daily dose of aspirin to lower the severity of problems after a heart attack or stroke, Allen said marijuana is a better alternative.
“Eat a bud a day will keep the stroke away,” Allen said. “No other medicine made by man can help in this manner.”

Chocolate Marijuana Frosting

Chocolate Marijuana Frosting

Chocolate marijuana frosting is my favorite medible. It’s so versatile. Instead of deciding between making marijuana brownies orcookies, why not just always have some frosting around to put on top of any baked good? Or, if you are a chubby boy like me, you just eat a spoonful of frosting…I mean, no comment. Below is a chocolate marijuana frosting recipe that my friend uses. It’s a very simple recipe – so simple that even I can make it! I must warn you, the frosting is strong, so feel free to adjust the amount of cannabis butter or mix with normal butter. Or be like me, and add more than recommended to ride the ‘higher high.’
2 and 3/4 cups of powdered sugar
6 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder
6 tablespoons of cannabis butter
5 tablespoons of evaporated milk
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
In a bowl, sift together the powdered sugar and unsweetened cocoa powder.
In another bowl, whip the butter until it’s a smooth consistency, then gradually mix in the sugar/cocoa powder mixture alternately with the evaporated milk. Mix in vanilla. If necessary, adjust consistency with more milk or sugar.
Tip – If you need the frosting to have a better consistency, I mix in some store bought chocolate frosting as needed. I know, I know, it’s cheating. But at the end of the day if it makes the frosting stick better, taste better, and the cannabis butter is still inside, why not!?
Makes 12 servings

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pocket Bongs!!!!!


I love bongs like Kel loves orange soda. They are my favorite thing to smoke out of. Nothing like filling that chamber up with thick white smoke and pulling that slider out for that huge hit. Usually dying from coughing so hard but you know you’re about to ripped. But what about those times when you’re on the go and you want to choke on smoke? You can either take the risk like I used to do and just bring a small bong with you on the ride to school, work or a party. Or you can order a “Pocket Bong“. This bong is great for traveling in the car or if you’re gonna be out the whole night. It will fit right into your pocket, as you can see below. The bong compresses to a small circle for easy storage and travel. For about $19, you can get one for yourself.
Purchase a “Pocket BongHERE.